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Monday, September 7, 2015

Hmm... thoughts from a 4 year old...

Today was just another ordinary day in our household. Fun, games, laughter, bickering and all that good stuff. Well, sometimes, I think my 4 year-old thinks well beyond his almost 5 years on this earth. He asks me, "Are you going to die, mommy?" He has asked me this question before, but it seems to come up every so often. I think it started about a year ago. I really didn't think too much of it and after the first couple times he asked me, I just went with the customary... "oh, probably not until you are old and have a family of your own." It seems as though that this little boy is tackling a big emotional stress that seems to be bothering him quite frequently.

Where did he get this from? Disney animated movies have a lot of death in their story lines. So, quite possibly, he got it from there. He loved Big Hero 6 and watched Frozen a gazillion times with his sister. So, thank you Disney for throwing in some heavy-duty stuff for a wee 4 year-old to contemplate and dread. I understand that death needs to be addressed since it is a natural occurrence, but I feel at 4 and 5 years of age, it is a bit tough to handle.

Looking at my beautiful boy's teary eyes and hearing his whimpering and shaking voice just breaks my heart. But I always answer him with, "Someday, baby; but, I hope not until you are big." He always replies with, "I am going to miss you."And he continues to whimper, I give him a big squeeze and try to lighten his mood up. It is really tough and pulls at my heart strings. Telling him lies would help alleviate his anxiety, but I don't know whether I should lie to him and hope that that doesn't bite me on the behind. Eh, I would be gone and his dad would have to handle that... hahaha. No, but seriously, it hurts my heart that he worries so much. Love my cuddle bug so much!