The holidays, the cold weather or lack of motivation has sent me back to some old bad habits. Old habits do die hard! On further contemplation and analyzation, I decided to read up on stress eating. I believe I have found my dirty little culprit. I am a big fat stress eating fool! I find myself having constant desire for chips, chocolate, ice cream and other desserts. This was not the case in the months where I was an exercising fool, but recently I have caught myself in a slump and feeling unmotivated. I attempt at it but fail to regain my momentum that I had exhibited in recent months. Perhaps, the cold weather is to blame as well. It has gotten a bit chillier these past couple of weeks but I fear I may just be up to my old excuses again. So, with that in mind, stress does play a large factor in my non-motivational mindset these days. With all my duties as a stay at home mom of three (two of which are still in diapers and one nearly a teen), also not to mention upkeep and normal functionality of the household.... I find myself extremely drained all the time. Oh and let's not forget lack of sleep and time to myself to really recharge...LOL.. what's that? Let's just say it's not rocket science that I go running for some comfort food. However, it's not making me any healthier. My first step is acknowledging this and constantly reminding my brain that I need to stop this behavior.
I will get over this hump... hahaha. I've stopped buying chips but I am a baker and I bake to relieve stress. Isn't that a kicker? Baking desserts is my stress reliever and I am a bit of a sugar addict. Dilemmas of life... isn't it grand?
Stay tuned... more insight to come!